Name: Rachel Donath
City of Residence: Melbourne, Australia
How do you spend your days? As founder and Creative director of Rachel Donath, my days vary from design work, shooting new collections, managing the day to day runnings of the business including logistics, manufacturing, marketing, you name it!
What does a typical work day look like for you? My mornings are generally quite hectic getting my 4 little kids dressed and out the door to school. Once I’ve dropped them off, I head straight to my desk at 9 to do my reporting, answer emails and attend to meetings. The days fly by - every day is different but I absolutely love it! I end my work day at around 4pm when my kids come home from school and the evenings are spent with my kids and husband, ideally with everyone (including me!) in bed by 7.
Where is your office located? While we have a warehouse with office space about 20 minutes from my home, I prefer to work from my home office whenever I can.
How do you keep track of your to-do list? Lots of sticky notes! All over my computer and desk and wherever else I can find a place to put them! I have to say its very satisfying chucking a sticky note into the bin once I have ticked a task off my list!
Daily work uniform, head to toe? I’m a comfort girl but also like to look good, particularly waist up for video calls! Today I’m wearing a great pair of comfortable jeans and a cashmere t shirt with some jewellery.
Must-have item in your work bag? My laptop, my phone and a charger to keep both alive!
Most productive time of day for you? The mornings. I am absolutely a morning person and my brain is much clearer before about 2pm. I find I can articulate better, make better decisions and generally be more producutive in the first half of the day.
Favorite part of having your own business? Most challenging part? Best part is the feeling of pride at building something that is so much led by heart and creative expression. Most challenging is the never been able to completely switch off. When its your own business, its always on your mind.
Favorite mid-afternoon pick me up during a day in the office? Dark chocolate covered pretzels!
Name one thing that is always on your desk: My multi vitamins. If they’re not on my desk, I’ll forget to take them!
Top tip(s) for entrepreneurs: Back yourself, fail fast and keep pushing forward to achieve your goals!
What’s something you do outside of work just for yourself? I love gardening! I have just bought some fertiliser and seeds for my lawn to give it new life before Spring hits.
Who are you sending your next card / [love] note to? My team! I adore my team, they are legends who care about my business as thought it was there own and come up with genius ideas that keep us moving forward! I love them all!
Thank you so much, Rachel! Find her HERE & shop her beautiful furniture HERE.