OFFICE HOURS: Emma Brooks, Pair Up
Name: Emma Brooks
City of Residence: San Diego, California, specifically, Escondido
How do you spend your days? I'm the Founder of Pair Up, a small womenswear clothing line made from reclaimed textiles. Our pieces are timeless and built to last. I like to say we’re hyper local, because everything is designed, sourced, and manufactured in Southern California. What does a typical work day look like for you? The morning is all about my two year old - breakfast, potty training, a lot of wrangling! After I drop her off at daycare, I head back home and work from my garage studio. I’m a one person team so I’m doing the job of 10+ people throughout the day — including designing patterns, sewing samples, sourcing buttons, designing emails, planning photoshoots. You name it! It’s organized chaos. I’ll usually take a lunch break with my husband (he works from home too). When we pick up our daughter, we are done working and shift into play and dinner. We eat together as a family and then usually try to get some energy out with a mini dance session. The night will end with a glass of wine and some good TV. I just convinced my husband to watch Sex and the City from the very beginning, yay!
Where is your office located? Like I said, my studio is in my garage. It’s a two story, two car garage and I’ve taken over the entire thing. This is where I keep my industrial sewing machines, cutting room, fabric, inventory, shipping supplies, etc. I love opening the doors and letting all the natural light in. My desk basically feels like it’s outdoors ha. I’m super lucky to have so much space.
How do you keep track of your to-do list? I just recently switched to Notion in an attempt to have a more organized healthy relationship with my to-do list. I also use the Notes app a ton!
Daily work uniform, head to toe? Because my studio is basically outdoors, I dress for the weather. It’s cooled off here so I’m currently bundled up. I wear some version of Pair Up’s Wide Leg pant and a chunky sweater. I’m a hat lady so in the Fall/Winter it's a beanie nearly everyday. If it’s a chill week, I only leave the house to go to daycare and the grocery store so I’m pretty casual most of the time.

Must-have item in your work bag? I take a notebook and all my favorite pens with me everywhere I go. I love to journal, as well as brainstorm and sketch on PAPER. It activates a different part of my brain that I really enjoy tapping into.
Most productive time of day for you? Morning, for sure. Those first few hours at the computer are gold! Favorite part of having your own business? Most challenging part? Favorite: The creative freedom to literally make whatever I want, whenever I want! Right now, my intuition is telling me to make a huge waxed canvas bag — so boom, I know what I’m doing tomorrow. I’ve also learned so much during the span of Pair Up’s start and growth. It’s been a real period of expansion for me.
Challenging: It can be really lonely. I do wish I had a small team to work with daily but I’m not big enough to support this — maybe one day :) Favorite mid-afternoon pick me up during a day in the office? Food, more coffee, a walk, nothing out of the ordinary.
Biggest challenge juggling motherhood & work? When Penny was born, and my time was cut in half, I had to work so much more efficiently! Then just let it all go at the end of the day because a little adorable human being needs you to take care of them. I actually really enjoy being forced to stop, because I’m not good at doing it on my own. But yeah, there is just not enough time in the day when you’re a business owner and a Momma! Name one thing that is always on your desk: My headphones. I listen to a lot of podcasts while I sew. Like, alot.
Top tip(s) for entrepreneurs: Stay true to your values—they’ll resonate with your community.
What’s something you do outside of work just for yourself? Honestly, I work too much. I need to do more for myself. We live on an acre and have so many beautiful plants. I love to walk around and take it all in, listen to nature, pick some oranges, do some quick yard work. We just harvested our pomegranate tree, yum! I hope to start a garden with my daughter in the next year or two. I think she’s getting to the age where she’d really love this. Who are you sending your next card / [love] note to? My little sister! She just had her first child a few days ago <3 I’m an aunty!
Thanks so much, Emma! Follow her HERE & HERE & shop Pair Up HERE.