OFFICE HOURS: Therese Jacinto, INDYX

Name: Therese Jacinto
City of Residence: San Francisco Bay Area
How do you spend your days? (aka what do you do for work?) I’m creative director at a fashion-tech startup called Indyx. We’re building a wardrobe app that lets you digitally catalog your closet and make the most of what you already own. I’m in charge of the look and feel of our app and ensuring brand visuals and marketing objectives work in harmony to achieve our goals. Alongside that, I’ve been blogging and creating content @craftandcouture since 2010. I share my style, my Artful Essentialist approach to curating a wardrobe and home I love, and other creative pursuits.What does a typical work day look like for you? Mornings are my busiest. They usually begin with carpool duty, then I squeeze in some movement before a bunch of zoom meetings. I try to keep my afternoons free for heads down work or photoshoots and I’m typically done around 4pm. After picking up my daughter Natalie from school we grab some groceries, prep dinner then I finish up a little more work if necessary. I love to cook and ensure we always have healthy meals at home. After dinner we wind down together and talk about our day. Some days I have to take Natalie to volleyball practice from 7-9pm. I’m so grateful to have the privilege to be a very hands-on work-from-home mom. This is the kind of flexibility I dreamed of when I had her almost 16 years ago. It seemed much more impossible back then and I’ll never take this setup for granted.
Where is your office located? I work mostly from home, but our tiny (but incredible!) team meets at least once a week at a co-working space in downtown San Francisco. It’s such a treat to catch up with the team in person and work out of the loveliest space with the best views of the Bay. I also really enjoy my 20-minute train commute into the city. At home, my office is essentially wherever my iPad is! Haha. We are currently in the planning process of the next phase of home renovations so my makeshift desk is my dining table or my favorite chair in our living room. I have an antique cabinet where I store all my essentials. I bring them out when it’s time to work.
How do you keep track of your to-do list? We use Notion at work and that’s been the best for managing all our tasks! Personally I am a huge fan of Google calendar, and the Notes app on my phone.
Daily work uniform? Comfort is key but I try to always give it a polished twist! Usually an oversized sweater or sweatshirt, relaxed trousers or sweats, a boyfriend blazer and some flats.
Must-have item in your work bag? My water bottle! I’m serious about hydration and never leave home without one.Favorite part of your job? As a constantly curious person I love that I’m always learning so much, and that I can flex various creative muscles building a product and brand that I’m really passionate about. Being a part of a very lean founding team means I can learn from and work alongside some of the most talented and brilliant women I know and have a hand at different areas of the business. We’re doing something new, exciting and meaningful. Having your closet in the palm of your hand gives you so much more clarity into what you own and helps spark joy and creativity so you can be inspired to style more and shop less.
Favorite mid-afternoon pick me up during a day in the office? Currently enjoying an iced peach green tea. It’s by an instant tea brand called Waka. I also make myself either a mushroom coffee or matcha latte from Everyday Dose. Their formulas contain nootropics for brain and gut health plus collagen protein, and very minimal amounts of caffeine (which I avoid). The functional mushrooms really help me focus and also reduces anxiety. I love that I’m getting a healthy boost from something so delicious.
Favorite object/accessory in your office? I have a red leather zip pouch that I store my ipad and cords in. My sister gifted it to me for Christmas and I just love how simple, elegant and functional it is. It keeps all my tech stuff organized. I’ve also used it as a clutch a few times.
Biggest challenge juggling motherhood & work? Finding the time for self care! In my 20’s and 30’s it was always the last thing on my mind, but now that I’m 41 I’ve learned how important it is to make it a priority. I can do more and be more for others if I feel good from the inside out.
Name one thing that is always on your desk: Design books
What’s something you do outside of work just for yourself? Long walks and Pilates!Who are you sending your next card / [love] note to? My daughter’s volleyball season is almost over so I’m starting to write notes to the coach and team to thank them for their incredible work and to celebrate the memories made.