Name: Serafina LoGiacco
City of Residence: Santa Barbara, CA
How do you spend your days? I’m a freelance photographer mostly shooting film :)

What does a typical work day look like for you? All the days look different! Most usually, I’m also the one styling my photos so work sometimes looks like prop sourcing, location scouting, and of course shooting, then editing. My husband helps me with lighting and building set ups. And now, our baby girl is usually being worn by one of us or playing close by.
Where is your office? Although I have a desk in a room, my “office” is all over. My work usually requires food and drinks in my photography, so a lot of my time is also spent in the kitchen making these!

Analog or Digital? Digital!
Daily work uniform? Levi’s and pointelle tees.
Favorite part of your job? Being able to create beauty - I love wearing the different hats of stylist, photographer, baker…
Favorite object/accessory in your office? My couch! I love working from a lounge set up..And my Apple screen - it’s a necessity!

Biggest challenge juggling motherhood & work? Feeling like I never have enough time! We don’t have childcare yet so it’s a constant juggle to get anything done once my husband is home.

Name one thing that is always on your desk: My external harddrive and muji pens.
What’s something you do outside of work just for yourself? Long walks, massage, and acupuncture.