OFFICE HOURS: Molly Kidd, Molly Kidd Studio

Name: Molly Kidd
City of Residence: Salem, Oregon
How do you spend your days? I am an interior designer and run a residential and commercial design studio, Molly Kidd Studio. What does a typical work day look like for you? Everyday looks super different, which is why I love my job. I spend a lot of time connecting with my team and clients on zoom or phone calls. Working from home allows me to be more productive and efficient. I also spend time designing, managing the company, and forecasting what’s to come for MKS.
Where is your office located? In my house! My whole home acts as a showroom…

How do you keep track of your to-do list? I wish I had a better system for this. I have multiple lists in various locations… I’m working on being better at organizing this :)
Daily work uniform, head to toe? I have a soft spot for cozy knits and am always up for a blazer + trousers. Biggest challenge juggling motherhood & work? TIME. I have to be so efficient and intentional with my time. I try to be a very present person wherever I am. If I’m at work, my focus is there, but when I’m with my kids, I am 100% with them. I’m not perfect at it by any means, but I do work really hard at this.
Must-have item in your work bag? A tape measure.
Most productive time of day for you? First thing in the morning.Favorite part of having your own business? Most challenging part? My favorite part of owning my own business is the freedom to make it 100% authentic to me. The most challenging part is the taxes, ha.
Favorite mid-afternoon pick me up during a day in the office? Oatmeal chocolate chip macro bars!
Name one thing that is always on your desk: Vintage design booksTop 3 tips for entrepreneurs: 1. Don’t copy anyone else, be authentic to yourself. The world needs fresh ideas and authenticity! 2. Success takes time. Nothing ever happens overnight. If you have a dream and a vision for your business, stay focused on that, full of grit, and success will come. 3. See failure as an opportunity to get better and learn from your mistakes.
What’s something you do outside of work just for yourself? Foraging fresh florals, running/ spending time outside!
Who are you sending your next card / [love] note to? Does a bottle of wine count? We are gifting our own “blend” this holiday season.